Thursday, August 26, 2010

Not of this world

She watched the figures in the Spanish plaza. The two girls walked arm in arm talking, laughing, pointing little trinkets out to each other. One of them shared her face. This was her heaven. This was the "might have been" of her life. Two best friends in a plaza market.
The other her picked up a necklace, her eyes sparkling as she looked over her shoulder at an older woman on the other side of the plaza. The third in their happy little trio. She leaned over to her friend conspiratorially. The friend's smile widened and she nodded vigorously, then she spoke to the merchant and coins were exchanged. The necklace concealed in a pocket the two young women went to join the older woman looking at a displace of dishes.
A smile crossed her lips as she watched. She would never have these moments. This friendship and companionship. But that was ok. Some one would. Here in this would it would be the other her. In her world, it would be some one else.
She moved way from the warm European sun into the dark shadows in the tunnel. She could feel to weak spot in the fabric, veil, what ever it was, that kept the worlds separate.
She pulled off the hooded jacket. Her neck a solid band of bruises that crept up her left check to a blood shot eye. From heaven to hell. She pushed through the weak spot. It was like pushing through one of those gummy hands children got out of those coin machines. With a pop she was through. With a little blood and a lot of knowledge she strengthened the weak spot while the demons howled in the distance. This was her world. A world she would contain and protect other world from. Violence and cruelty.

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